8 Must Have Items In Your Purse And Handbag

1.Travel Sized Tissue.

Travel sized tissues can be useful in many different ways few common examples are if have a runny nose, or whether you are crying, sneezing, or want to wipe off your lipstick. So to be well prepared always have travel sized tissue in your purse.

2. Mini Mirror.

There are times when we need a second confirmation if our faces look good. And you may be in a place with no bathroom access nearby where you can rush to and double check that your face, hair, and make-up are all good. That’s where having a mini mirror like this comes in handy.

3. Mouth Freshener.

These could be gum or mints in your purse, so you don’t have to worry if your breath smells bad after having breakfast or lunch. Since you never know if your boss will call you into an unexpected meeting. Or who knows?
You could even be having a date later after work. So be prepared for anything ,You won’t have to worry about having stinky breath.


As women, you never know when you can get the unexpected period. So always have some period-protection with you. I usually buy these mini ones for a purse size.

5. Portable Charger.

If you are a smartphone user, you understand how these little gadgets can drain their battery quickly. One minute you are on Facebook, next on Pinterest or Instagram but within no time your battery is running low.
This is why it’s important to have a portable charger with you, so you don’t need to worry about being offline and have the ability to charge your smartphone anywhere.

6. Hair Ruffles.

I never miss this in my bag; it is super useful especially when they help to keep your hair from sticking to the back of your neck and out of your face.

7. Pocket-Sized Notebook

Sometimes you may have amazing ideas that pop into your head and you need to note down and a notebook is a place to do it. I know you could be wondering why not just use an app on the phone to write something down.
Maybe it’s just me but there is something magical about having my creative thoughts and inspiration in a notebook.

8. Hand Sanitizer.

We come into contact with so many things and people in a day, by having hand sanitizer with you; it can help maintain good and required hygiene. Not to mention keeping away the flu and other bad bugs.